Thursday, June 25, 2009

the pencil is like 50cm long...

haha.... got this freebies from cinemaonline.... they came to our school to promote ice age 3: dawn of the dinosour....
there's 3 rounds of games... and i played all 3 of it... and got all this...!!! yeah!!!

1st game & 2nd game- do specific character actions opposite of wat the gamemaster says...
3rd game - couple with Ms. Low, my web Page design teacher.... haha, so funny.... peeling the peanuts... i peel, ms low eat... got 2nd place, n the freebies (tiger softoy and huge pencil) i took the pencil of course... special mar, the tiger also not nice wan... so tiger giv teacher lo... haha
actually ms low wanted the t-shirt so she go and play sedangkan she have lecture class to teach, haha....but i won it at the previous game...

5:18 PM